Thursday, June 17, 2010

2009 Bentley Brooklands

The 2009 Bentley Brooklands is an all-new model from the famed British marque. The massive, elegant coupe features a bold exterior as well as a lavish cabin. Hand built in Crewe, England, the Brooklands features the finest leather hides and wood veneers in its construction. While the Brooklands measures almost 18 feet in length, seating is available for four with plenty of space for the rear passengers. At the heart of the Brooklands is the most powerful V8 engine Bentley has ever produced. The 6.75-liter twin-turbocharged V8 puts out 530 horsepower and an impressive 775 lb-ft of torque - enough power to move this 3-ton automobile to 60 mph in just 5 seconds.


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